I don't need protecting. The only problem I have with it is that I'm dead weight for the most part and might as well be dead if I'm not worth any contribution
Kyuubi: Sad that they had to go that way though... But let's get off that subject. How's Hachi doing? I'm sure you're still in contact with him
Me: The difference with me is... I don't wear glasses and my eyes are getting bad that way
Kyuubi: Actually... I kinda have business to do for the club that day... some members were killed and I need to get time to sort the files out again
Me: *sighs* we might be all going deaf though... I might actually become blind...
Kyuubi: Yeah, it's really great... Wish I could get along with Shukaku well, but we can't seem to do that at all
Me: Yeah... he can, it's just he ignores us...
Kyuubi: That's nice that you're bonding as friends really well now
Me: I really don't think he can hear... he works in a factory and he doesn't wear protective earplugs
Kyuubi: How long until you're due, if you don't mind me asking?
Me: That's what will happen in my case too... My mom thinks my dad's trying to make me completely deaf
Kyuubi: Um... kinda... you could say so...
Me: I have fluid in my ear from the multiple ear infections I've had since then and if that continues, I might have to go to the hospital to get the fluid drained
Kyuubi: Heh, yeah, I have a family now and I'm glad to have people like them. It's a big one
Me: ... Might have to get an operation done on my ear to drain the fluid >>
Yuri: Well the club members are concidered as family, right? And you have Chiyoko as a sister. You have all the family you need. Your mama and papa must be jealous now. *trys to cheer up Kyuubi* ^^ Hehe.
Kyuubi: It's all right... you didn't know and it wasn't your fault
Me: *shrugs* I might not go anywhere, but if I do learn to drive, that's how I'll go... maybe by boat, I'm not sure... I might have to get over the fear though
Kyuubi: ... I don't know them at all... when I was born, I was nothing and a mistake so they tried to get rid of me by throwing me into the currents of a raging river during a storm.
Me: I'll get an ear infection, but yes, I don't want to have one like that ever again
Kyuubi: It's more than what I could say about the family I had...
Me: No... the seiring pain. It felt as if something was literally tring to rip the inside of my ears out
Kyuubi: They're very important and close to your heart?
Me: It's nothing really serious or serious at all... I just had a really painful first ear infection because of a flight...
Kyuubi: heheh... sounds very interesting. Do you have a favorite color or animal?
Me: That'd be cool to be able to fly... I wouldn't say I'd like it so much though because I don't like flying in general...
Yuri: Nya. Okay, My full name is Hime ((princess)) Yurikami no Yoshida. I like to be called Yuri, though. I am now a Princess of All Biju Bobcats in another Relm. Even though I am royality, I don't count myself as it, nya. I'm just regular Yuri. I like to have fun and play around, but when it comes down to certain important things, I'm very very serious, nya. I love meeting new people. I meow after sentences sometimes, nya. I like milk, sweets, cookies, and fish. I'm in love with a Tanuki. My past isnt so great, nya. I have a Dark side of me locked deep inside of me. I dislike water at times. I'm part human, nya. My father is dead but my grandfather is alive and well. I was once a slave. I'm Japanese. And I serve under the Biju King, Kyuubi no Yoko. *Kneels on knees* Hehe! Or something like that nya! *smiles*
Yrui: Nyaa?? Are you blushing Kyu-kun?? Ah! So kawaii! hehe nya. So is there anything you'll like to know about me?
Me: I actually learned this in science. We humans use 10% of our brains. If we use 100% we would be flying and have powers... well scientist believe that.
Kyuubi: *blushes* I honestly don't really know... whatever makes her happy
Me: Yup, that I am aware of, certain people are aware, but others seem to slide it off to the side
Kyuubi: Heheh... gotta be careful, right?
Me: I can understand why. I don't get any dreams like those. I either get crack-filled ones or predictions...
Kyuubi: Actually, I do like coloring and you don't seem to act differently. It's nice you're yourself... And the picture looks nice... better than what I can do
Me: It's funny either way ^^
Yuri: Nya, okay! *takes out piece of paper and crayon* Do you like to color Kyu-kun? I do! Hey even though I'm pregnant, do you think I still act like a child? *draws horrible picture of kyuubi* Looks it's you! =^^=
Kyuubi: Okay, in order, Yuri: My life's been a little stressful lately but nothing to serious. I thought about the club after realizing there were so many more biju other than just the legendary nine and I thought it'd be good to bring them all together. Being the Biju King, I wouldn't say is too special, I still feel like everyone else and I'd rather not let it go to my head. D. Kyuubi was actually the one that got sealed inside Naruto, but I'm still effected by it a little. D came to be because of my personality getting too out of control to the point where he could take over my mind and body. No... I'm not that cruel at all, but I do laugh at the weak if they are bounty hunters trying to kill me and act like they're badass when they run in fear. Humans used to irritate me, but I'm not so much effected by them now and think humans are fine. And no, you're curious and it doen't bother me if you want to know so many things.
Me: XD *bursts out laughing* That's hilarious!
Yuri: *gets happy again* Nya!! Okay! Um... Kyu-kun, how is your life going? How did you manage to think about a club like this? How does it feel it be the Biju King? Why aren't you inside Naruto? How did you manage to get 2 sides of you ((Dark Kyuubi and Kyuubi))? Do you laugh at the weak? Do humans irritate you? Am I annoying you with all my questions?
Me: Yeah. Yuri actually ran off crying because she thought that Shukaku did love her anymore because he got her 500 fish when she asked for 550. XD
Kyuubi: No, no, no. Don't take it the wrong way. It's just the only time we've really gotten in contact was when I let you into Shukaku's house. That's all. I'd like to get to know you better so we could be friends though
Me: Attatchments, mood swings, able to do things wouldn't normally do, becoming more protective... simple things like that
Last edited by DeidaraNarutoClan at 8:16:45 PM EDT on May 8, 2009.
Me: Well to tell you the truth Yuri never did talk to Kyuubi like that. And she was always cautious around him. I remember he was the one who let Yuri in the mansion that day she met the crew but Yuri and Kyuubi was never tight like... tight. lol. She was actually afraid of him.
Yuri: 0//0 Was not! Me and Kyu-kun are great friends! Right Kyu-kun? *hugs kyuubi and sticks out tounge at Nae*
Me: This pregnant thing must be getting to her... ^^''
Yuri: Well he said that you once picked your nose when you was in your demon form and the bogur was HUGE! When in dropped it crashed 3 whole villages! Hahahahhaaa!! That's hilarious!! Is it true Kyu-kun??
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/07/09 | Reply
Yuri: Well... He said...
Me: Well I try my best ya know! I'm doing alot Teh Biju Pics lately. I want to draw everyone. Can I draw Kyuubi? *turns to Kyuubi* Please Kyu-kun *puppy dog eyes*
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/07/09 | Reply
Kyuubi: T_T WTF did that bitch say?
Me: *pushes Kyuubi out of the way* I think it's a nice picture. It really looks good and is very colorful. You did an awesome job ^^
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/25/09 | Reply
Luv the wings
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
But it is... humans seem to be the ones that only need saving, so I'm basically the dead weight within it all...
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
Me: Dont say that! I'm positive that isn't true!
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
I don't need protecting. The only problem I have with it is that I'm dead weight for the most part and might as well be dead if I'm not worth any contribution
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
Me: Well that's why you have friends that aren't human so we could protect you. ^^
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: You haven't? I'm surprised
Me: But you do use them...
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
Yuri: Well actually I haven't been in contact with him at all...
Me: Nah! Those glasses you saw aren't mine. They're my mom's! I just use them to see better! XD
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: Sad that they had to go that way though... But let's get off that subject. How's Hachi doing? I'm sure you're still in contact with him
Me: The difference with me is... I don't wear glasses and my eyes are getting bad that way
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
Yuri: .... Oh... Nya okay....*ears lower*
Me: Well that makes two of us then.
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: I'm not joking. Bounty hunters took out Leiot and Jam already...
Me: Yeah... my eye sight in my eyes are getting worse
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: Suuuuuure you do, Kyu-kun. nya.
Me: Woah! No! Deaf is one thing but BLIND?!?
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: Actually... I kinda have business to do for the club that day... some members were killed and I need to get time to sort the files out again
Me: *sighs* we might be all going deaf though... I might actually become blind...
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: Sure you guys can! You guys have to! Because when Suki and I go shopping, you guys will be there to carry our heavy bags. ^^
Me: Well he should listen. I'm sure you guys care alot about his and your hearing.
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: Yeah, it's really great... Wish I could get along with Shukaku well, but we can't seem to do that at all
Me: Yeah... he can, it's just he ignores us...
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: Hehe! I guess so! ^^
Me: Can he even hear you when you guys talk to him about that??
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: And bonding off of that? Either way it's really nice ^^
Me: I know... He doesn't like to listen though
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: Nae and CK says it's the pregnancy. ^^
Me: Tht's not safe! He should get protective thingys! He'll go deaf!
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: That's nice that you're bonding as friends really well now
Me: I really don't think he can hear... he works in a factory and he doesn't wear protective earplugs
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: Oh that's cool. We're going shopping after the crowning is over. ^^
Me: 0.0 Yeah he should turn it down for your sake...
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: Probably 6-8 weeks maybe? I'm not completely sure
Me: He likes rock music and I like listening to it, he turns the volume up too loud
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: Well I was already 4 1/2 weeks pregnant so... I have 4 1/2 weeks left since i'm a cat. ^^ Ano... And Suki?
Me: How so??
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: How long until you're due, if you don't mind me asking?
Me: That's what will happen in my case too... My mom thinks my dad's trying to make me completely deaf
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: Hehe! ^^
Me: Yeah I have hard hearing sometimes and other times a have super hearing. Never normal hearing. lolsz ^.^
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: Oh don't worry, I don't mind. You have the ability to ask
Me: ^^ I suppose we do. It makes me feel a little better
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: Gomen... I just had to ask that question.
Me: Well, I have problems with my ears too. We got that in common. ^^
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: Um... kinda... you could say so...
Me: I have fluid in my ear from the multiple ear infections I've had since then and if that continues, I might have to go to the hospital to get the fluid drained
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: Yeah, nya! Do you think your fox ears are cute? Hehe!
Me: Woah... fluid? Operation? *shutters*
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: Heh, yeah, I have a family now and I'm glad to have people like them. It's a big one
Me: ... Might have to get an operation done on my ear to drain the fluid >>
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: Well the club members are concidered as family, right? And you have Chiyoko as a sister. You have all the family you need. Your mama and papa must be jealous now. *trys to cheer up Kyuubi* ^^ Hehe.
Me: Yeah, You might have to..
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: It's all right... you didn't know and it wasn't your fault
Me: *shrugs* I might not go anywhere, but if I do learn to drive, that's how I'll go... maybe by boat, I'm not sure... I might have to get over the fear though
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: ... Oh. ... I'm... So soryy Kyu-kun, nya...
Me: So how you ever going to get anywhere??
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: ... I don't know them at all... when I was born, I was nothing and a mistake so they tried to get rid of me by throwing me into the currents of a raging river during a storm.
Me: I'll get an ear infection, but yes, I don't want to have one like that ever again
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: Do you mind telling me about your family?? ...
Me: Ouch.... damn that must of been rough. I can't blame ya for not liking flying... The fear of getting that again is unbarable huh?
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: It's more than what I could say about the family I had...
Me: No... the seiring pain. It felt as if something was literally tring to rip the inside of my ears out
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: Yes they are. More than you know, nya...
Me: OHH! Was it the popping in your ear?
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: They're very important and close to your heart?
Me: It's nothing really serious or serious at all... I just had a really painful first ear infection because of a flight...
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: I look up to my grandfather and my father. I really look up to father 'cuz he's in heaven.
Me: What happened?? If you don't mind telling me.
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: I like the color red and I like dogs... do you look up to someone?
Me: I don't just because of a bad plane experiance
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: My favorite color is black and a neko is my fav animal. How about you? ^^
Me: I love flying. I like to go on air planes and travel. You dont??
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: heheh... sounds very interesting. Do you have a favorite color or animal?
Me: That'd be cool to be able to fly... I wouldn't say I'd like it so much though because I don't like flying in general...
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: Nya. Okay, My full name is Hime ((princess)) Yurikami no Yoshida. I like to be called Yuri, though. I am now a Princess of All Biju Bobcats in another Relm. Even though I am royality, I don't count myself as it, nya. I'm just regular Yuri. I like to have fun and play around, but when it comes down to certain important things, I'm very very serious, nya. I love meeting new people. I meow after sentences sometimes, nya. I like milk, sweets, cookies, and fish. I'm in love with a Tanuki. My past isnt so great, nya. I have a Dark side of me locked deep inside of me. I dislike water at times. I'm part human, nya. My father is dead but my grandfather is alive and well. I was once a slave. I'm Japanese. And I serve under the Biju King, Kyuubi no Yoko. *Kneels on knees* Hehe! Or something like that nya! *smiles*
Me: I would love to fly!
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: Well, can you tell me about yourself first?
Me: It's actually due to the brain frequency, that's why they believe that. It is possible though
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yrui: Nyaa?? Are you blushing Kyu-kun?? Ah! So kawaii! hehe nya. So is there anything you'll like to know about me?
Me: I actually learned this in science. We humans use 10% of our brains. If we use 100% we would be flying and have powers... well scientist believe that.
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: *blushes* I honestly don't really know... whatever makes her happy
Me: Yup, that I am aware of, certain people are aware, but others seem to slide it off to the side
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
Yuri: Heh Heh... Right... So when are you and Suki gonna get maaaaaarried, nya?
Me: Yeah. I get dreams which are visions of the future. And i get De ja vu every day. Most humans have hidden powers ya know.
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: Heheh... gotta be careful, right?
Me: I can understand why. I don't get any dreams like those. I either get crack-filled ones or predictions...
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Yuri: *jumps for joy* Nyaaa! Yay! Hehe! Nyaa! Ouch! *holds stomach* .. heh heh.... ^^'
Me: I know right! My heart was pounding after waking up! XD
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: I'm positive Yuri ^^
Me: ^^ I read it. That sounds awesome
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Yuri: Hehe! You really think so? *blushes*
Me: I posted it up in my blogging world. ^^
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: I'm sure he'll love it since he likes whatever you do ^^
Me: That's cool, tell me what it was about?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Shukaku: Nice picture and what the-*looks at Kyuubi and Yuri having a good time, but decides to just wait*
Me: You did great on this. Good work!
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Yuri: Nya! Hehe! I'm going to frame it and show it to Shu-kun!
Me: I just sketched kyuubi's apparence into my book. Oh and I had a dream that I was a Vampire-Dark Elf! ^^
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: Actually, I do like coloring and you don't seem to act differently. It's nice you're yourself... And the picture looks nice... better than what I can do
Me: It's funny either way ^^
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Yuri: Nya, okay! *takes out piece of paper and crayon* Do you like to color Kyu-kun? I do! Hey even though I'm pregnant, do you think I still act like a child? *draws horrible picture of kyuubi* Looks it's you! =^^=
Me: Hehe I know right. Funny times... ^^
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: Okay, in order, Yuri: My life's been a little stressful lately but nothing to serious. I thought about the club after realizing there were so many more biju other than just the legendary nine and I thought it'd be good to bring them all together. Being the Biju King, I wouldn't say is too special, I still feel like everyone else and I'd rather not let it go to my head. D. Kyuubi was actually the one that got sealed inside Naruto, but I'm still effected by it a little. D came to be because of my personality getting too out of control to the point where he could take over my mind and body. No... I'm not that cruel at all, but I do laugh at the weak if they are bounty hunters trying to kill me and act like they're badass when they run in fear. Humans used to irritate me, but I'm not so much effected by them now and think humans are fine. And no, you're curious and it doen't bother me if you want to know so many things.
Me: XD *bursts out laughing* That's hilarious!
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Yuri: *gets happy again* Nya!! Okay! Um... Kyu-kun, how is your life going? How did you manage to think about a club like this? How does it feel it be the Biju King? Why aren't you inside Naruto? How did you manage to get 2 sides of you ((Dark Kyuubi and Kyuubi))? Do you laugh at the weak? Do humans irritate you? Am I annoying you with all my questions?
Me: Yeah. Yuri actually ran off crying because she thought that Shukaku did love her anymore because he got her 500 fish when she asked for 550. XD
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: Yeah, sure. So we could get along better and you can ask anything about me too
Me: lolz, really? I wouldn't really expect that
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Yuri: *sniff sniff* Really? You wanna get to know me better nya? ...
Me: Oh! Yeah lolsz. I remember when Shukaku was attacked by Yuri's mood swings in one of our comment stories lolsz. It was hilarious! XD
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: No, no, no. Don't take it the wrong way. It's just the only time we've really gotten in contact was when I let you into Shukaku's house. That's all. I'd like to get to know you better so we could be friends though
Me: Attatchments, mood swings, able to do things wouldn't normally do, becoming more protective... simple things like that
Last edited by DeidaraNarutoClan at 8:16:45 PM EDT on May 8, 2009.
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Me: What will happen??
(( kinda slow ))
Yuri: GASP! *backs away with ears down* Really?? Nya... So so mean Kyu-kun.
*tear tear*
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: *ears lower* I can't say we are really too close...
Me: >> It'll happen when things turn out that way... I've seen it happen a lot
Last edited by DeidaraNarutoClan at 7:44:02 PM EDT on May 8, 2009.
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Yuri: ... Nah! I believe Shu-kun nya. =P
Me: Well to tell you the truth Yuri never did talk to Kyuubi like that. And she was always cautious around him. I remember he was the one who let Yuri in the mansion that day she met the crew but Yuri and Kyuubi was never tight like... tight. lol. She was actually afraid of him.
Yuri: 0//0 Was not! Me and Kyu-kun are great friends! Right Kyu-kun? *hugs kyuubi and sticks out tounge at Nae*
Me: This pregnant thing must be getting to her... ^^''
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: ... Really?
Me: ... I've weirdly noticed...
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Yuri: If you say so Kyu-kun!
Me: *whispers to Dei-chan* Yuri is acting reaal different towards kyuubi-kun...
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: It ISN'T true and yes, yes I will
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Yuri: Hehe! Suuuure it's not true... And Don't hurt him! *puffs out cheeks*
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Yuri: Heh it kinda hurts... But I'm strong! I'm having triplets! ^^
Me: Oh Thank you! Your so kind! ^^
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: *eye twitches* No... it isn't true... and I'm going to hurt that baka so badly...
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
RAijuu: yep I've missed you too..soo how is being pregnant???
me: ^^ it was sweet and thanks Nae hehe I also enjoy your art..it is GRREAT!
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Yuri: Rai-kun! *runs over and hugs him tightly* Nya! It's been TOO long since I saw you! ^^
Me: Aw that was sweet. I like Seeing your drawings Val Val. ^^
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
me: yeii^_^ HEy I don't want to see Yuri sad hehe Raijuu come here!!!
Raijuu: *arrives* etoo what happened?? *sees Yuri* Oh hi there yuri-chan ^__^ Long time since I last saw you
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Me: Of course I'm going to draw Rai- Rai!! ^^
Yuri: I haven't spoken to Rai-kun in a while.
... I'm sad now... Is he avoiding me? *neko ears go down*
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/08/09 | Reply
Me: Yaysz!! ^^
Yuri: Well he said that you once picked your nose when you was in your demon form and the bogur was HUGE! When in dropped it crashed 3 whole villages! Hahahahhaaa!! That's hilarious!! Is it true Kyu-kun??
Volcano Hamster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/07/09 | Reply
YEII more art from Nae!! and from shukaku-san and Yuri-chan ^___^ this one looks AWESOME!!!!! I love every single details
are you going to draw Rai-Rai?? *stars on eyes* 8=3
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/07/09 | Reply
@Naomi Bear:
Kyuubi: Um... sure, I don't mind... *turns to Yuri* What'd he say? And don't lie... I can tell
Me: You do great and I've noticed lol ^^
Naomi Bear
Lilly Pad ~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/07/09 | Reply
Yuri: Well... He said...
Me: Well I try my best ya know! I'm doing alot Teh Biju Pics lately. I want to draw everyone. Can I draw Kyuubi? *turns to Kyuubi* Please Kyu-kun *puppy dog eyes*
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/07/09 | Reply
Kyuubi: T_T WTF did that bitch say?
Me: *pushes Kyuubi out of the way* I think it's a nice picture. It really looks good and is very colorful. You did an awesome job ^^